By Bruce Rusk on April 16, 2018
The full schedule for the Scaling the Ming conference is now available.
Paper abstracts are now available (Scaling the Ming 2018 Abstracts).
Please RSVP if you would like to attend.
The conference has been generously sponsored by the Society for Ming Studies, the James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation, the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, and UBC’s History Department, Department of Asian Studies, and Centre for Chinese Research.
Friday, May 18
08:00 |
08:30 |
Breakfast |
CK Choi Bldg, Rm 120 |
08:30 |
08:45 |
Welcome |
08:45 |
10:45 |
Panel 1 Global Climate and Local Environment chaired by Leo Shin
- Desmond Cheung (Portland State U.) Scaling Locusts: Environmental Statecraft in Ming China
- Kathlene Baldanza (Penn. State U.) Miasmic Mists of the Mountains: Medicine and Environment in the Sino-Viet Borderlands
- Timothy Brook (UBC) Environmental Drivers of Ming Epidemics
- Wu Ting-chih (U. of Pennsylvania) Natural Disasters, Irrigation Canals, and the Production of Grain: The Case of Ningxia in the Ming Period
10:45 |
11:00 |
Break |
11:00 |
13:00 |
Panel 2 The Body’s Perspective chaired by Timothy Brook
- Chelsea Zi Wang (Claremont McKenna Coll.) Transcending Bureaucratic Scale: The Immediacy of Remoteness in Ming Triennial Audiences
- Dagmar Schäfer (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) The Working Hand: Scaling Bodies of Expertise in Ming Local Gazetteers
- Volker Scheid (U. of Westminster) From Acupuncture Channels to Topographic Regions: Herbalising the Acupuncture Body in Late Ming China
- Wu Yinghui (UCLA) Scaling and Pictorial Imagination in the Late Ming
13:00 |
13:45 |
Lunch |
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden |
15:15 |
17:15 |
Panel 3 Large within Small: Landscape, Garden, Rock, Flower chaired by Julia Orell
- Aurelia Campbell (Boston Coll.) Issues of Scale and Memory in Emperor Yongle’s Mount Wudang
- Pang Huiping (Art Institute of Chicago) “Planting Fungus at the Tiaosou-an Cottage”: The Rise and Fall of the Garden Builder Chen Jiru (1558–1639)
- Richard John Lynn (U. of Toronto) A Study of Wu Bin’s Paintings Scroll “Ten Views of a Lingbi Rock” (Shimian lingbi tu)
- Kathleen Ryor (Carleton Coll.) The Hundred Flowers and Myriad Things: Flower Cultivation as Cosmos in the Mid-Late Ming
17:15 |
17:30 |
Break |
17:30 |
19:00 |
Keynote Address Timothy Brook (UBC) Stealing the Buddha’s Tooth: Zheng He, Yongle, Tsongkhapa, and the Optics of Imperialism
Note: The previously scheduled keynote by Prof. Harriet Zurndorfer has been replaced by this address from Prof. Brook. |
Saturday May 19
09:00 |
09:30 |
Breakfast |
CK Choi Bldg, Rm 120 |
09:30 |
11:30 |
Panel 4 New Approaches to Ming China’s Foreign Relations chaired by Nam-Lin Hur
- Christopher Eirkson (U. of Pittsburgh) Demonolithizing the Ming Great Wall: Steppe Frontier Wall-Building as a Eurasian Phenomenon
- Ilsoo Cho (Harvard U.) Realism over Loyalism: Korea in the Ming War Against the Manchus
- Liu Jing (Syracuse U.) Commerce, Pirates, and Military Men: Chinese-Korean Maritime Borders in the Early Seventeenth Century
- Lee Sunkyu (UCLA) Changes of Scales in Maps of Northern Border Territories between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century China
Panel 5 This Much We Know: Ideas and Information chaired by Bruce Rusk
- Sarah Basham (UBC) The Individual Title as Microscope and Microcosm: Wu bei zhi and the Social Production of Statecraft Knowledge
Scarlett Jang (Williams Coll.) Emperors, Palace Eunuchs, and the Ming’s Imperial Art Collection
- Monica Klasing Chen (Leiden U.) For the People, from the People: The “Painting Section” (huapu men) of Ming Daily-Use Encyclopedias
- Nathan Vedal (Pennsylvania State U.) Scaling the Infinite: Diagrams and Information Compression in Ming China
Liu Institute, Multipurpose Room |
11:30 |
13:00 |
Lunch |
CK Choi Bldg, Rm 120 |
13:00 |
15:00 |
Panel 6 People Near and Far chaired by Leo Shin
- Eloise Wright (UC Berkeley) Re-Defining Dali: The Production of a Locality in Ming Yunnan
- Hu Xiaobai (U. of Pennsylvania) Transformative “Qiang”: Ethnic Discourse, Frontier Crossing and Imperial Categorization on the Ming-Tibetan Borderland
- Du Yongtao (Oklahoma State U.) A Local Identity Breakdown: Locality and the State in Huizhou’s Tax Controversy of 1577
- Wang Yuanfei (U. of Georgia) Turning Pirates: Vernacularity, Trade, and Race in Late Ming Narratives of Japanese
Panel 7 Bounded in a Nutshell: Worlds Within Words chaired by Alison Bailey
- Wu Ying (Peking U.) The Exquisite Pavilions and the Landscapes Beyond in Tang Xianzu’s Fu Poetry
- Lynn Struve (Indiana U.) How Sizable is the Unreal? Scaling Ming Dreams
- Wei Yinzong (UBC) Literary Commentary and the Layout of Late-Ming Books
Liu Institute, Multipurpose Room |
15:00 |
15:30 |
Break |
CK Choi Bldg, Rm 120 |
15:30 |
17:30 |
Panel 8 Measures of Control chaired by Alison Bailey
- Liu Haiwei (U. of Southern California) Mandate and Manipulate: Prophecies as a Way of Constructing Political Legitimacy during the Yuan-Ming Transition
- Chen Shiau-Yun (Cornell U.) What Constituted “Loving Mothers”? Authorizing and Controlling Mothers’ Violence in the Disciplining of Children in Ming Families
- Sarah Schneewind (UCSD) Scaling Parenthood
- Ha Yiming (Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology) Resurrecting the Weisuo: Ming Military Policy during the Jingtai to Chenghua Reigns
17:30 |
17:45 |
Concluding Remarks |

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