Ming and Ming-Adjacent Panels at the 2025 AAS Annual Meeting

Ihor Pidhainy has generously compiled a list of papers on and related to the Ming at the 2025 AAS Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio (March 13-17). Thursday, March 13 7:00-8:30 PM 1-007 – Between Materiality, Genre, and Media: Rethinking Li Yu’s (1611-1680) Corpus as a Transmedial Project (Clark, 2nd Floor Hyatt) Kangni Huang, University of Southern […]

Ming-related panels at AAS Boston 2023

Ihor Pidhainy has kindly compiled a list of panels with Ming content at the 2023 Association for Asian Studies annual meeting. AAS Ming and Ming-Related Papers at 2023 Annual Meeting (Boston) Thursday, March 16, 2023 7:00-8:30 Panel: Unexpected Voices Against Military Excess: Mitigating State Violence in China, Korea, and, Japan, 1592-2015. (Hynes Convention, Room 204) […]

AAS Panels on Ming Topics

Ihor Pidhainy, editor of Ming Studies, has created a helpful list of Ming-related panels and papers at the 2019 AAS annual meeting in Denver. AAS 2019 Annual Meeting – Ming Papers Thursday March 21, 2019 7:30PM-9:15PM Panel 23 Book Matters: The Circulation of Literature and Organization of Knowledge in Pre-Modern China Terrace, Tower Building Yunshuang […]

Society for Ming Studies Annual Meeting and panel: March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22 7:30-9:30 pm Governor’s Square 11 Sheraton Downtown Hotel Denver, CO Thanks to a grant from the James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation, in addition to our usual business, we will also hear pechakucha-style (read: six minutes per person) research presentations from nine Ming scholars. The presenters will highlight their primary […]

Digital Seminar, June 7, 2018

From the Society for Ming Studies Graduate Student Representatives: The graduate student representatives would like to invite you to our first Ming Studies digital seminar. The seminar will take place on June 7th from 7 am to 8:30 am Pacific Standard Time (10 am EST, 3 pm BST, 10 pm CST). We’ll be hosting an online discussion with Kenneth […]

Scaling the Ming Full Schedule

The full schedule for the Scaling the Ming conference is now available. Paper abstracts are now available (Scaling the Ming 2018 Abstracts). Please RSVP if you would like to attend. The conference has been generously sponsored by the Society for Ming Studies, the James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation, the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen […]

Society Meeting 2018: Resources for Secondary Teaching

At the Annual Meeting of the Society for Ming Studies in Washington DC, on March 23, 2018, a range of panelist presented their ideas for integrating teaching about the Ming into secondary education. This included a discussion by Ann Waltner and Kathleen Ryor of their recent videos for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and creation […]

Scaling The Ming: Conference Schedule

Below is the schedule for Scaling the Ming, a conference on Ming Studies, hosted by the University of British Columbia. The conference is open to the UBC community and interested scholars; please RSVP. The conference has been generously sponsored by the Society for Ming Studies, the James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation, the […]

<a href="https://mingstudies.arts.ubc.ca/2018/03/01/conference-info/" title="Scaling the Ming Conference"><img src="https://mingstudies.arts.ubc.ca/files/2018/03/Scaling-the-Ming-Poster-2018-v-2-150x150.png" alt="Scaling the Ming Conference" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

Scaling the Ming Conference

Scaling the Ming, an international conference on Ming Studies, will take place in Vancouver on May 18 and 19, 2018. Applicants have been informed whether their paper proposal has been accepted, and the program will be available on this website soon.

Scaling the Ming (Conference at UBC, May 2018)

Call for Papers: Scaling the Ming, An International Conference We are pleased to announce an international conference on studies of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), to be hosted by the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on May 18–19, 2018. The theme of “Scaling the Ming” invites reflection scale, size, and scope in the […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Society for Ming Studies
1871 West Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2, Canada

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